
This is a doodle I did in Math class.

I'm not even sure of what this is myself but I like it.

A friend and I were drawing random things so we both decided to see what we each thought a "normal" pheonix would look like.

Another Japanese dragon, but a lot of people, including me, think it looks like Haku from Spirited Away

This kind of drawing is fun and easy! All you have to do is draw without connecting or touching other lines what-so-ever.

I was going for the crazy look but... I think I over did it a bit...

Summer 2009, I went to Pheonix Arizona with a freind to visit her aunt. We ended up stopping at a creek that I found inspirational so a few weeks later I drew it as I remembered. My favorite part was how at the end it was parted by huge red rock that had a tree growing on it. 

This is the original idea for the, what I call the "Skull Headed Wolf", but i didn't color in the body black. There are a few completed pictures of this wolf you can reference to on the coloring. 

Man do I love this! I really wanted to draw a cow... but as you can see this has no resemblane to a cow whatsoever... I don't even know what it is. 

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