
This one makes me luagh, in a good way. I didn't have anything to do on the way home in the bus so I ended up drawing this.

You can tell by the FAT feet and the way off proportions that this was done a very long time ago, but I still like it. This has to be one of the rare occasions that I enjoy an older picture.

Okay... this here is a Japanese dragon, but for some reason I've been getting comments saying it looks like a goat. Makes me wonder...

Wow this one's old. The placing is all wrong, the twig is in going into it's side. 

Im sorry if you can't see it too well the quality of my scanner is... pretty bad.

uh... this one definitely needs a redo!

I think we ALL know what's wrong with this one. 

Okay all criticizm away, this one is one of my favorites. The first scaled dragon I've done and I'm proud of it.

I saw this one in the front yard one day so I went outside to look at it. I was able to get close but then it flew away. I remembered the details and drew a few images of what I saw (shown above) then looked it up and found it's name.

If your one of those who are don't know why the mouse is so big it's because the bird is that small. Look it up, it's cool.

My apologies for the not-so-great scan of this picture but if you were to see the original the shading is great. 

This is the skeletal based wolf idea I decided to do in the same style as the one above this one.

I'm actually pretty proud of this one. I was finally able to draw a wolf laying down without it's paws being oddly proportioned. 

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