Pen and Ink

This was inspired by a long lost drawing i found in my closet from way back when. It's one of my favorites considering there is a darker side and a lighter side to everyone.

The proportions are ok in this one but the face is more bearish than it is wolf-like. 

Uh...... This was more of a test to see how much detail i could do on the clothing but then i thought it would be cool to make it a person version of the wolf.

The wolf thing is supposed to be a statue but it looks more like... well im not quite sure at the moment.

These sort of pictures remind me of Night Before Christmas.

I've gotten so many requests to do a fairy and here it is... the feet and the head bug me though.

This is the first picture i've done using the markers and i think the shading could use a little more work.

You should have seen the original ugh! But with today's technology to save the day better inhanced this picture.

If this is too confusing not to worry! I was going to attempt at redoing this in Photoshop. (also I'm working on a HUGE version in prima at schol.)

There are a few of these but lets get one thing straight, I don't use pencils for these so they may look wierd.

This one has its problems, I ran out of ink so i had to use a sharpie to fiinish and it makes it easy to tell.

The Earth scroll- It was just as fun to draw it as it was to make it.

There's a funny story behind this one... One day I was at school and then during 1st period in ASL (american sign language) I had the urge to draw. The sad part was I left my pencil at home! So, I ended up finding a blue pen and drew with that. It needed a background so I used a red. 

                         ps- I've once gotten a comment like "is that a owl?" No! it's........ it's a.... hm, two tailed-four winged-flying-saber cat thing I suppose.

The original of this picture was given to Mr. Dunning, a great 12th grade english teacher. 

I don't know what was up with this one but I really wanted to draw a frog... I didn't use a reference for this nor did i really know the body structure but I drew it anyways... I'm paricularilly proud of the mouth. 

This one ended up like my "Cow" if you saw it in the doodle section only this one was supposed to be a cricket... It does have some relation but not what I was expecting. 

If you think this one's cool you're going to love the next picture. This was the original idea for I'm not sure yet but I ended up wanting to do a more detailed version of this (see next pic) 

 This may be the most detailed picture I've done yet on paper but it was actually pretty easy if you see the process.

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